We provide a plethora of leadership opportunities for our members. In addition to our five new committees below, each event will be lead by a primary and an alternate selected during our membership meetings. Come to our meetings and join our fantastic team!
1-1 Mentorship Program
​​​​SSgt Melissa Evans​​
NCOs are paired with Airmen by our Mentorship Program Committee based on the Airmen's needs. Matches meet several times per month and develop and professional relationship through trust, mentorship, and bonding. Many of these relationships have continue on even after one member PCSsto a new duty station.
Airmen's Voice Mentors
We support the Airmen's Voice with our very own mentors. This committee attends Airmen's Voice meetings and acts as a liaison between the two organizations.
Community Outreach
This committee organization community outreach events throughout the year for our members to lead. Event leads will be selected from paid members during our membership meetings.
This committee organizes membership drives at the main BX and attends Lackland's Newcomers Orientation Briefings to spread the word about our great organization in effort to get more NCOs involved.
Ways and Means
This committee organizes fundraisers throughout the yearfor our members to lead. Event leads will be selected from paid members during membership meetings.